Standalone Profiling

Skyline also supports standalone profiling (i.e. profiling from the command line like a traditional profiler). Standalone profiling is useful when you just want access to Skyline's profiling functionality. Skyline will save the profiling results (called a "report") into a SQLite database file that you can then query yourself. We describe the database schema for Skyline's run time and memory reports in the Run Time Report Format and Memory Report Format pages respectively.

Preparing Your Code

You do not need to do anything special to prepare your code for standalone profiling. You only need to write an entry point file just as if you were going to start an interactive profiling session. See the Getting Started page for an example of an entry point file.

Run Time Profiling

To have Skyline perform run time profiling, you use the skyline time subcommand. In addition to the entry point file, you also need to specify the file where you want Skyline to save the run time profiling report using the --output or -o flag.


Just like when you use skyline interactive, you need to place your shell inside the project root and you need to specify a relative path to your entry point file.

cd ~/my/project/root
skyline time --output my_output_file.sqlite

Memory Profiling

Launching memory profiling is almost the same as launching run time profiling. You just need to use skyline memory instead of skyline time.

cd ~/my/project/root
skyline memory --output my_output_file.sqlite